Engine Oil Savings Calculator

How you can save with SOD-1 Plus

Savings in engine oil consumption using SOD-1 Plus are possible because of the strengthening of the molecular bonds within the oil that results from adding such a powerful triple ester additive. Reductions in engine friction cause the oil to deteriorate at a slower rate. However, different vehicles operating under different conditions make precise comparisons difficult. 

Use the calculator below to see the savings you can make by adding SOD-1 Plus to your engine oil.

Please fill in all fields
*Lengthening the oil and filter change cycle
Calculated costs per 100,000 km
Without SOD-1With SOD-1
sod-1 plus -
oil labour
filter labour

* We recommend vehicle owners use their own judgement on lengthening the oil and filter change cycle according to the condition of the oil after certain distances travelled. Some of our customers use SOD-1 Plus while keeping the same oil change cycle in order to lengthen engine life and reduce engine trouble from excessive friction.